Friday, September 08, 2006

More Background Information

Racial Makeup

The most common master race is Orcs, about half the population. Orcs maintain the highest social status, effecively a ruling class. Goblins are the next most common, making up perhaps a quarter of the population. They seem to have settled for being second place, though it is common to hear goblins make disparaging racist remarks about orcs when there aren't any around. Kobolds are the only other large population and sit at the bottom of the social scale. Many are only slightly better off than well kept slaves. Kobolds are almost all peasants. The rest of the population is made up mostly of bugbears, ogres, hobgoblins and an occasional giant. There are also a small number of Bladelings among the master races. They serve as some type of elite police force. All the other races seem to be afraid of them.

The majority of slaves are human, about 75%. Humans are hardy and breed faster than the other races so they make ideal slaves. Most of the rest are halflings and gnomes. There are some jobs that are well suited to their smaller stature. The few kobolds rich enough to afford slaves like to have gnomes and halflings since they are as small as kobolds and easy to bully. Dwarves are rare. They are too stubborn to make good slaves. Half-orcs are also rare (they are also effected by the donva curse), though many of them end up in gladitorial arenas. There are very few half-elves. They generally try to pass themselves off as human. Orcs distrust their long lifespan. Elves are the rarest of all. Very few elves survive in captivity, and even fewer ever have children. If you are not playing an elf, it is unlikely that your character has ever seen one.

Having grown up as a slave to a goblin, I will assume that everyone can speak goblin fluently. I will also assume that you can understand and speak a small amount of orc. However, the common human language never died out. It is often spoken between slave races, but NEVER in the presence of someone from a master race. It is a sure way to get whipped.


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