Friday, September 15, 2006

Evil Masters Part 1

Here is a little information about some of the evil masters.

Hengralin (HEN grawl in)
A conniving, scheming, dispasionate cleric of Maglubiyet, he seems to be using the group as some sort of stepping stone in some grand plan. He tries to assert control over the group, often conflicting with Hlotheri. He has a pretty, young blond human slavegirl named Jewel. Hengralin often tries to tempt other goblin's male slaves with implied rewards in the form of his young slave but, so far, has never followed though on the perceived promise.

Hlotheri (LOTH er eye)
A small, frail goblin with obvious magical abilites, he is the opposite of Hengralin - reckless, destructive and impulsive. Despite this, he has some type of ability to get other goblins to follow his lead. He is often at odds with Hengralin, whose careful planning is intolerable to Hlotheri. Hlotheri has a female slave named Scarralin, who has at least some elvin blood in her.

Osuiu (Ah su WE oo)
Osuiu is a warrior, though more quick than strong. He weilds a strange glowing sword that seems to materialize whenever we wishes it to appear. Osuiu is as unstable as Hlotheri. He jumps around, leaping and hollaring and laughing during combat, regardless of whether he is winning or loosing. While he is an ally of Hlotheri, he seems to be in it just for the killing. He has a tall wirey slave named Eral Vader, whom he seems to notice only when beatings are in order.

Goblo Fehr (Gob Low FEAR)
Big by goblin standards, Goblo is a self-absorbed warrior. He fights with a large battle-axe but he also carries around an even larger axe that he keeps trying to learn to use, but with little success. When he bothers to take sides, he usually sides with Hengralin over Hlotheri. He obviously hates Osuiu. He has a man-mountain for a slave named Rothez-ash that he beats repeatedly for no obvious reason.


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