Thursday, March 29, 2007

Episode 3.3

Kathy, Brad, Bob, Tony, Ernie, Greg

Bob, Ernie and Brad went through a set of open doors and into the red tiled hallway. Kathy, Greg and Tony stayed back. Brad found that the hallway ended with a double door. Carved on the door, in bas relief, was he image of a roaring dragon’s head. While they examined it, the image became a yellow glow, then fire shot out from the door, filling the hallway. At the same time, the southern doors shut, trapping Bob, Ernie and Brad in the hallway and Kathy, Greg and Tony outside. Brad immediately began trying to destroy the door. Bob aided him by firing lightning bolts at it. The door continued to shoot flames, which burned Bob and Ernie, but somehow kept missing Brad. Ernie cast healing spells on Bob and himself. Meanwhile, Tony, Kathy and Greg tried to force their way into the room. Brad and Bob eventually destroyed the door and the fire ceased.

Beyond the dragon door, the party went around a corner and found a large chamber containing an intact triangular gate and it’s fully functioning guardian. The guard warned them they were not allowed in, and, remembering the note they found in the desk (see episode 3.2), decided they were not going to change his mind. Tony noticed that the gate had six icon slots instead of three. There was a slot at each corner and a slot in the center of each side. The three center slots will filled with triangular icons. The three corner square slots were empty. The party found a square icon in the room with the three chests (see episode 3.2).

After resting, they decided to go in the opposite direction. This led them down a short flight of stairs and into a large oval room. There was a door on the opposite side. The ceiling was so high that none of them could see the top. Bob cast dancing lights in order to see what was up there and saw two cloak-like things floating around in circles about 60 feet above them. Even farther up, was a large platform with some type of mechanism. The domed roof was above that at about 100 feet. One of the two cloaks began to float down towards the party. As it did so, it seemed to duplicate itself, which Kathy recognized as a mirror image spell. They took this as a bad sign and attacked it. Bob shot lightning bolts. Brad shot his crossbow. Kathy shot a fireball at it. Ernie attacked it with a spiritual weapon. Tony went to check the other door. Everyone else stayed outside the room. They killed it just before it got low enough to reach anyone, and began to attack the other cloak. About that time a large humanoid creature came down on a chord from the platform. It was about 9 feet tall and looked to be made of reanimated human body parts. It immediately pounded Kathy, who left the room as soon as she could. Brad and Greg surrounded it. They had little luck against the creature. Bob, Kathy and Ernie all tried casting spells at it, but it send to be magic-proof. Kathy decided to help the fighters by casting buffing spells on Brad and Tony. Tony closed in with his swords and between the three of them, the eventually destroyed it. The quickly killed the other cloak with spells and arrows. The party searched the room, though Tony decided to use pound his way through the other door while he was still buffed.

In the next room, the floor had two sets of tiles, a smooth white set that formed a cone shape on the floor and broken tiles outside the cone shaped area. Where the point of the cone would be, was a large white dragon. In each of the far corners of the room there was a large white wolf. Bob cast phantasmal killer on the dragon, who missed both saving throws and died. Kathy enlarged Tony. Brad, Greg, Tony and his wolf charged in to fight the wolves. Bob killed one of them with another phantasmal killer. The remaining one died soon after. Beyond this room, the party found a short hallway with a treasure chest. Inside the chest was one of the icons along with 1400gp, 4 pieces of art, a +1 chainshirt, pipes of sounding, elemental gem, and a ring of minor acid resistance

Realizing that they still needed to find the third icon, they searched through the dungeon again. The first ting they found was a secret room with a treasure chest containing, 1200 gp

full plate +1 of silent moves, a wand of knock, a potion of cure light wounds, a Ring protection +3 and a Cloak of resistance +2, but no icon. They eventually found the icon sitting on top of the platform in the tall room that the creature came down from.

After that, they went back, rested and spent several days making items to use agains the guardian.


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