Thursday, January 25, 2007

Episode 2.5

Greg, Tony, Brad, Kathy, Ernie

Leaving the sun hole, the party next headed to the area marked as "Rift."

Along the way, the were attacked by three wights. The wights charged at Greg, but were unable to hit him Ernie then used his turning ability and destroyed them.

They found a large sinkhole, about one hundred feet across, with several broken bridges that must have crossed it in a previous time. Ernie cast light on a copper piece and dropped it into the pit. They saw it reach the bottom and determined it was about 500 feet deep. While they were discussing what to do next, several people noticed something large move around down in the pit and the light disappeared. Bats flew up, flittered around and then raced away down the sde tunnels, but nothing attacked the group. There was a ledge that went around the outside of the ledge, but it appeared a bit too treacherous. The party decided to bypass the sink hole, backtrack to a different tunnel and go around it. They ended up finding the sinkhole again, entering the chamber from a different tunnel, but left without incident.

The next place they went was an area labeled "stranglers." When they got there, they noticed some treasure shoved under a ledge in what looked like a bad attempt to hide it. They also noticed a half dozen monkey-sized creatures hiding amongst the stalagtites. The creatures attacked, using very long tentacles to wrap around the character's neck. Tony, Greg and Brad stepped into melee with them while Kathy an Ernie hung back and slung spells. The battle lasted several rounds with Tony getting choked several times, but no one was seriously injured.

After scarfing up the treasure, the party realized that they were very near the exit that was close to Stonekeep, so they went back to cash in some items, rest and resupply. When they arrived in Stonekeep, Ceodoc immediately approached them and asked them to take him somewhere, once they had rested and resupplied. Long ago, he had set up a trap to cause an avalanche in the valley that led to Stonekeep's front gate and he felt like it was time to set it off. The party agreed and a couple of days later, they made their way into the mountains to the west.

A few hours after leaving, they were ambushed by their old enemy, the goblin/wolf creature. It had brought along reinforcements, an orc wizard, a kobold monk and a bugbear ranger. Assuming the kobold was a sorcerer, Tony sent his wolf to attack it. The kobold quickly pummeled the wolf into unconsciousness, then charged into the melee. Tony went after the bugbear, trading blows, but appearing to be on the loosing end. The orc wizard shot a fireball into the group, burning nearly everyone. Brad shot the wizard with his crossbow, then went to assist Tony. Kathy decided to show the orc wizard how it was done, casting her own fireball back at him and burning him to a crisp. Ernie shot an offensive spell at the goblin/wolf then moved to heal Tony. Greg went straight at the creature, who was blinking, and missed on his first attack. However, on his second try, Greg hit the creature and unloaded his full psychic damage, splitting the creature in half. The battle did not last long after that. Brad and Tony finished off the Bugbear and the rest of the party surrounded the kobold, who died before he could escape.


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