Sunday, September 24, 2006

Evil Masters Part 2

Sifleda (Siff LE duh)

A female goblin, Sifleda is cruel but largely dispassionate. Her only interest seems to be the persuit of magical studies. She has been wooed by every male goblin in the group, except Hlotheri, but seems either uninterested or oblivious to their advances. She and Hlotheri do not like each other in the least and both are constantly trying to show up the other's magical abilities. You have no idea why she is part of this particular group. She has never volunteered that information and no one has been brave enough to ask her. She has a female slave that is obviously at least part elvin, named Merewyn. She will beat her on occasion, almost absentmindedly, as a person would shoo a fly.

Kaefax (KI uh Fax)

Kaefax is a very strange goblin warrior. He wears no armor and fights with a very strange looking weapon consisting of a curved blade projecting sideways from a short handle. He often fights with no weapon at all. Despite this, he seems to be nearly as effectve as the Osuiu or Goblo Fehr. Kaefax is quiet. When does speak, it is usually to make calm, but dire predictions. He takes no sides in any arguments among the other members of the party, but it is clear that he does not like Osuiu in the least. His human slave is a slight human male named Gwitram. While he rarely beats his slave as such, he regularly uses him as a practice dummy.


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