Thursday, November 30, 2006

Episode 1.10

Ernie, Tony, Brad, Kathy, Greg

Ernie felt himself drawn to one particular prisoner and felt compelled to heal him. The person turned out to be a cleric. He then showed Ernie other prisoners who he knew had useful talents. Together, they healed four other people, two humans a half-orc and a gnome.

Meanwhile, Tony, Brad and Greg shored up the door so the party could rest and recuperate. It was determined that the group had enough rations to feed everyone (themselves plus the five additional NPC's plus twenty or so commoners) for about four days. The group decided to rest overnight and then break out in the morning.

The next day, Tony, with the assistance of two bull's strengths an enlarge and Brad, took his hammer and tried to break down the door. Before he could succeed, the door opened and several troglodyte skeletons attacked them. Immediately behind them was a huge five headed reptile. After a round or two, Ernie's cleric friend obliterated the skeletons leaving the path clear for the party to face the hydra.

The hydra proved to be a dangerous opponent, sending both Tony and Brad running back the cleric for healing. Tony took off one head, only to have the it grow two more in it's place. Damage being done to the body seemed to be healing at an alarming rate. However, a series of spells by Kathy, Gwiand and the gnome along with continuous beatings by Tony, Greg, Brad and every other fighter who could get in reach, eventually killed the beast.

With the hydra down, the group decided to make a dash for the exit, led by the still enlarged Tony. Tony rounded a corner and ran into opposition in the form of nine troglodytes. With his giant sized spike chain, double bull's strength and great cleave feat, he killed four troglodytes almost as soon as he saw them. But, the group was now strung out inside a long corridor with doors on each side and that was when the troglodytes sprung the trap. Doors opened and troglodytes flooded the hallway.

What followed was an intense, chaotic and lethal melee. Tony killed four more troglodytes and then he and Brad took turns missing their captain. In the center of the group, Kathy and Greg, who was gravely wounded by the hydra, and several NPC's fought the troglodytes as they entered the hallway. One of the PC’s ended up going down. At the back of the group, Gwiand tried to hold off a group of nine troglodytes with her spells and wand of Fire Orb as the 20 or so commoners tried to get into the hall. She killed several but could not stop them all and eventually went down. Ernie and his clerical companion each moved about the battle, healing and attacking as best they could, with the new cleric casting Knife Spray into a crowd of Troglodytes trying to help Gwiand before she went down. The two healed Gwiand, only to have her immediately go back down. They healed her again and she survived the battle.

Tony eventually killed the captain and moved back into the middle of the melee, tumbling past friend and foe alike. Swinging his giant spiked chain like a mad fiend, he quickly took out several more troglodytes, including the second captain. In the meantime, Greg killed the third captain, while Brad and the some of the remaining NPC’s took out the rest of the regular troglodytes. The way to the exit was now clear, but at the back of the group, double doors opened to reveal a few dozen more troglodytes ready for battle. Deciding that escaping to fight another day was the best course of action, the party, low on hit points and out of spells, limped out of the Troglodyte complex with the still giant-sized Tony guarding their escape.


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