Thursday, November 23, 2006

Episode 1.9

Greg, Tony, Brad, Ernie, Wendell (at Wendell's House)

With Gwiand coming along, the group went back to the cave entrance to search for Gwibaen. When they got there, Tony remembered that Gwibaen went east when they seperated, instead of west, back to Stonekeep. Heading east, they followed the ravine, which became a ledge as the mountain to the north ended. They found a stream that crossed the ledge and fell into the canyon below. This, they realised, is where the fought the apes at the original test cave entrance (back in episode 1.1). A bit farther on, they found three dead orcs down in the canyon, all shot by arrows and, a bit farther on, a place where someone slid down the side of the canyon. Climbing down, they examined the site, finding several pieces of short, cut rope. The group concluded that Gwibaen must have come this way, found the orcs, killed them and released the human prisoners the orcs must have captured. They found a trail leading east that led to an area where several people climbed up the north side of the canyon and then headed back to the west. This would take them towards Stonekeep, but on the wrong side of the ravine.

The next thing they found was a campsite where a battle had taken place between the humans and some grimlocks. There were several dead bodies of each side. They also found Gwibaen’s broken shortsword. Grimlock tracks headed to the west with a few human tracks mixed in. The group followed.

Not long after, they were attacked by a large creature that looked like an emaciated cat with two long tentacles growing out of its shoulders. It proved difficult to hit, being always displaced. Greg, Tony and Brad eventually hacked it to pieces. It injured Tony and the party decided to rest. Giwand identified the creature as a Displacer Beast.

The next morning, they continued on the path and came to a cave. Several paths from different directions ended at the cave. Inside the cave they found the dead bodied of both Grimlocks and Troglodytes. It looked as if a large battle had been fought here a few days before. Feasting on the dead bodies were two large caterpillar-like creatures with tentacles growing out from their heads. They moved to attack the party but between Tony, Greg, Brad and Gwiand’s Magic Missile they did not last long.

A piece of torn cloth led them along one of the passages that exited the back of the cave. Following it, they found another large cavern inhabited by eight Troglodyte guards. After a brief conversation with the guards, they learned that the troglodytes had Gwibaen and several other humans who were injured. The party asked to see them and the troglodytes led them into their lair – a Dwarven built complex that looked old and in disrepair. They were led through several doors and into a large cavern with a pit on the far end. Wendell went down the ladder and confirmed that Gwibaen was there along with several other prisoners including some humans, orcs and grimlocks. The leader of the troglodytes said he was going to confer with his master and left the party in the room with eight troglodyte guards. However, when he left, he closed and barred the door. The troglodytes attacked with their long spears but they were no match for Tony, Brad and Greg and were quickly dispatched. The group was then locked in the room and began what they were going to do next.


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