Monday, October 02, 2006

Episode 1.1

The group began in the valley, waiting for their masters to return. Grunk, the ogre, slept nearby. The bugbears that brought them here had left several hours before, establishing their own camp a mile farther up the canyon.

While waiting, the party heard a disturbance in the dried leaves near the side of the canyon wall. Investigating, they found a snake (which they avoided) and a symbol carved into the wall. They later learned that the symbol was ancient dwarven and meant "Haven." Beneathe the symbol was an arrow pointing down the valley in the direction that the masters went.

Soon, they encountered an unexpected visitor, a kobold, who was obviously sneaking away from something. He stopped and talked to the group, telling them that two days ago, the orcs rounded up all the kobolds in his village and pressed them into the army. There was a big war about to start off in the east. The kobold was running away to hide.

Soon afterward, the masters returned. All of them were injured and two of them (both the mages) were unconscious. They ordered the slaves to attend to them. While they were unloading equipment, a very strange feeling came over the group. They could feel that they donva curse had ended. They also felt better and more confident then they had ever felt before. Looking around they could tell that everyone else in the party felt the same way.

Sensing that something had changed, Brad asked the masters to surrender. They responded by attacking him. There was brief, but bloody struggle. During the fight, Tony noticed the kobold sneaking up behind the party. Deciding not to take any chances, he charged and killed him. The party won the battle, the goblin cleric being the last to fall. They quickly gathered up all the equipment and healed the ones they could heal for they saw Grunk loping down the path towards them.

They were surprised when Grunk did not immediately attack them. Instead, he talked to them, telling them that he was surprised that they killed their masters, considering the donva curse, but that since he was likely to have to kill them himself, all they did was save him some work. The masters were here on some type of mission. They were supposed to prove themselves by killing a monster that lived in a cave at the end of the canyon. Grunk was supposed to kill the masters if they failed or tried to run away. He suggested that they take the bodies and dump them wherever the masters were going, assuming they could kill the monster. He would tell the bugbears that the last time he saw the masters and their slaves, they were heading towards the cave - not exactly a lie, but not the truth.

The party took his advice and went to the cave. There they encountered a pair of animals that walked like a human but was covered in fur. There was a vicious battle that took down Tony, Brad and Greg that was finally ended by a fortuitous bowshot from Kathy. After some frantic healing, the party explored the cave. Inside they discovered another dwarven Haven symbol and a secret door in the floor of the cave.

They went down the secret door two days later, when everyone was healed and rested. They found an ancient structure. In the hallway, was the skeleton of an orc. In the first room, there was the skeletal remains of a dwarf along with a very fragile book that contained writings that they could not read. Tony’s character destroyed the book while trying to look for pictures. Moving onto the next room, they found the door had been kicked in and that the floor was covered with the remains of an untold number of creatures.


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