Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Episode 1.2

Wendell, Bob, Brad, Tony, Kathy, Greg

The party continued investigating the underground complex they discovered the previous week. The first room they entered was covered with bones, weapons and various other pieces of debris. Moving in the room at greater than half speed was dangerous. When they entered the room, they were attacked by a bugbear skeleton which rose up from the bones on the floor. They defeated it after a brief battle, discovering that, against skeletons, blunt weapons are much more effective than sharp ones.

Searching the room, they salvaged several usable items and several doors. They began opening the doors one at a time. Each of the doors they opened led to either a dead-end or a trap. Kathy found a secret door behind one of the dead ends and the party decided to head that way.

The passage they followed led to another large room, similar to the one they left, also covered with debris and skeletal remains. Tony, with his combat experience, could tell by the remains that a battle had been fought here very long ago, between a group of dwarves and a group of humanoids. The floor of the room had a large crack in it. Tony went to investigate it and found the giant centipede that was waiting for someone to attack. There was a brief battle and the centipede was killed.

After the battle, they searche

the room and found a masterwork longsword, a jump scroll and a potion. The potion had a dwarven symbol for "cure" on it. Tony, who injured by the centipede, took a chance and drank the potion. It turned out to be a cure light wounds.

The next room they searched had once been a barracks of some kind. It also had a crack in the floor and an oddly well-preserved blanket in the corner. This time, Tony took several rocks and threw them both down the hole and at the blanket. When he threw the rock at the blanket, a spider scurried out and attacked him. It was quickly dispatched. They took the blanket, which they learned was magical.

Moving on, the party found what must have been an armory. There were racks of weapons - battle axes, light hammers and dwarven waraxes - along with two armored and armed practice dummies. To the surprise of no one, the practice dummies attacked when the group entered.

The battle that followed was intense. Tony went down. Kathy and Bob both used most of their useful spells and ended up shooting arrows. Brad decided to grapple with one of the target dummies. He managed to keep it busy and unable to attack for several rounds. Greg had only recently joined the game and jumped into the fray. Then, a mysterious elf appeared (Wendell) just in time to help finish off the second target dummy.

Searching the room, the party discovered a secret passage that lead back to a part of the dungeon they had already been in. They also found several masterwork weapons - two battle axes, two light hammers and two dwarven waraxes.

After resting for two days, they moved on to the next area. They opened a door and were greeted by a half dozen beetles, each the size of a large dog, with glowing red orbs on the top of their heads. The beetles moved in for the attack.


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