Monday, October 16, 2006

Episode 1.3

Tony, Brad, Kathy, Greg, Ernie

The beetles proved no match for the party and were quickly defeated. After salvaging several of the glowing red orbs and searching the room, the group moved onward.
The next room they found was obviously a tomb. Tony began looking inside the sarcophagi and was disappointed to find that all the tombs had already been searched, the bones scattered about. Inside the room, the party also found the bodies of two crushed beetles.

Opening the next door, the group found the room to be the lair of a very large and very defensive snake. It curled up in the corner with its head some seven feet above the floor and hissed angrily at the group. Tony held his ground, hiding behind his shield, expecting it to spit venom at him. Greg stepped past him and threw his glowing green weapon at the snake ( an ability he demonstrated for the first time), striking it squarely in body. The snake responded by moving out and attacking. It bit Tony in the face, wrapped him in its coils and began to crush the life out of him.

Everyone joined in the fight, trying to kill the snake before it killed Tony. As Tony tried unsuccessfully to free himself, Kathy fired her magic missiles while Greg and Brad attacked the snake as best they could. Meanwhile, Ernie used his healing spells to keep Tony alive as the battle raged on. One final punch to the head from Brad and the snake collapsed to the floor in a heap. Tony was greatly relieved.

After deciding to take a much needed rest, the party continued to explore the dwarven complex. The next room they found was still sealed and left intact. The room contained a bed, bookshelves, a desk, a table, several chairs and an assortment of items scattered on the table including a stone statue of a cat, a metal crystal ball stand, a wooden bowl, a morning star, a glass mug, a wooden pointer (against the wall) and a lamp. On the far wall, there was some type of map carved into the stone. Tony used his forgery skills and copied the map as best he could.

When the party began to search the room, they were unexpectedly attacked by some of the items on the table - the cat, the stand, the morning star and the bowl. They proved easy to hit but almost impossible to harm. After several rounds of futility, Tony decided to just grapple with them. He seized ahold of the stone cat and wrestled it into one of the stone coffins back the tomb, where Kathy and Ernie were waiting to shove the lid closed. They succeeded and then tried again on another item. They, along with brad, ended up trapping two more items before Tony grabbed the bowl, just in time to have Greg slice it in half with a well placed strike.

Having won the battle against the overly aggressive dungeon dressings, the group went back a few rooms and explored some doors that they had left behind. These all led to deadends, circular routes and previously sprung traps. The group then scoured the dungeon for secret doors. They found several.

A secret door in the tomb, led to a treasure chest in a small tunnel. Anticipating a trap, Kathy decided to open it magically from a safe distance. She did not anticipate that the chest would come to life and attack her, which is what it did. She quickly and wisely backed out of the way and let Tony, Brad and Greg handle it. The chest proved to be easier to damage but much tougher than the tiny objects in the previous room. In the end, the party destroyed the chest and recovered the items within.

Another secret door discovered near the room with the map led to a long narrow tunnel that branch off in tow directions. One direction led to another chest. Trying to avoid a repeat of the last encounter, Tony and Brad went and retrieved a lid from one of the stone coffins and used it to crush hit the chest. The plan worked a bit too well. The crushed the, fortunately empty, chest. Behind the chest was another secret door. Undaunted by what happened to the previous chest, they repeated the same operation and dropped a stone lid on this chest as well. Using a bit more finesse (getting a more favorable dice roll), the chest was cracked, but not crushed. This succeeded in setting off the burning hands trap that guarded the chest, resulting in no one being injured. The party took the contents and moved on.

The other branch of the tunnel led to an exit that intersected a natural cave tunnel. On their right, the party could hear the sounds of singing birds and running water, an obvious exit. However, on the right, they heard the same deep voiced sad singing that they had heard a few days earlier, only much louder. Naturally, they went to investigate the singing.

The tunnel led to a very large cavern that extended beyond anyone's visual range. The deep voice stopped singing and had a conversation with them. It referred to itself as “the spirit of the mountain” and was apparently very old. It said that dwarves lived here long ago but that most of them were killed in a war with the orcs a long time ago. He said that the few that escaped were looking for a “big triangle.” He also told them that there was a settlement of humans outside the tunnel they did not take.

The party took the exit tunnel and headed in the direction the mountain spirit told them to go. They found bugbear tracks that also headed in that direction. After walking a while, they spotted two bugbears on the top of a ridge, with their backs to the party, hiding behind some rocks, apparently observing something on the other side of the mountain.


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