Thursday, October 26, 2006

Episode 1.5

Brad, Kathy, Tony, Wendell, Ernie, Greg

Gwibaen showed up right on schedule, an hour before dawn. Gwiand and Torcyn were with him. Gwibaen took the party to get their equipment. Along the way, Torcyn and Gwibaen argued. Torcyn wanted to along and Gwibaen would not allow it, claiming he was too valuable to risk. In the meantime, Gwiand gave Kathy a potion of cure light wounds and a scroll of lesser sonic orb, telling her that when she got back, that the two needed to share a nice cup of tea and look at some books together. Just before dawn, Gwibaen led the party through the front gate.

During the journey, the party openly discussed what they planned doing next, with several of them leaning towards rescuing the humans, escorting them to stonekeep and then going off on their own, mostly due to their animosity towards the dwarf. Gwibaen tried to convince them that the dwarf was not in charge of stonekeep and that, despite all appearances, the dwarf liked the party, anyway. He also told them that Gwiand was his half-sister.

Late in the morning, the group was attacked by a monitor lizard that was hiding in the bushes. It didn't last long. Later, they discovered the site of a recent battle between some Troglodytes and some Grimlocks. The party had never seen creatures like these before so Gwibaen identified them for the group. There were dead on both sides as well as tracks indicating that others had escaped, in opposite directions. He told them that they often hunt outside but night but that the two groups hate each other. The grimlocks were known for enslaving anyone they caught while the troglodytes generally just ate whoever the encountered.

That night, while Wendell was on watch, the group was attacked by four grimlocks who tried to surround the campsite. Fortunately, Wendell spotted them in time and woke up most of the group. The grimlocks were dispatched after a brief fight.

The next morning, Gwibaen, Wendell and Brad snuck up to check out the enemy camp. Gwibaen was distressed to see two additional foes, an ogre, whom the party recognized as Grunk and a large green rubbery humanoid that Gwibaen identified as a forest troll. Also present was the third bugbear, an orc cleric, an orc captain, two regular orc soldiers, three goblins and a single kobold sorcerer. The party waited and watched. Eventually the cleric gave what looked like a bag of coins to the forest troll and it loped off, heading towards the forests to the south. One orc and one goblin were on guard duty. The rest were playing cards nearby. There was also a large pit covered by a set of wooden bars.

Not long after, Grunk, who had been sleeping nearby, got up, looked around and obviously spotted Wendell. Instead of attacking, he wandered over towards the officers, performed what can best be described as a rude biological function and was sent away by the orc cleric to relieve
himself at a safe distance.

With Grunk gone, the party planned their attack. From their hiding positions, the group started shooting missile weapons, taking out a few enemies in the first round. Gwibaen, Greg, Tony and Brad moved forward and into melee. Wendell fired missiles from a safe distance. Gwibaen took out one of the orcs with his first attack, a critical hit with his short sword, but struggled after that, being hit often by the orc captain’s spiked chain and the other orc soldier’s battle axe. Greg moved forward, throwing his glowing sword as he moved, taking out opponents as he headed to help Gwibaen. He eventually reached the half-elf and the two took down the orc captain and the remaining orc soldier. Kathy took out the orc cleric with her first magic missile, then concentrated her efforts on the kobold sorcerer. Tony fired an arrow and then charged the bugbear. The two traded blows, but Tony emerged the winner, even as the kobold sorcerer shot him with magic missiles. Ernie healed Tony who was severely injured. Brad moved to head off the card players, who, unequipped, ran over to put on their armor and grab their weapons. The orc never left the table, having ended up on the bad end of an arrow. The two goblins never got in an attack, as Brad took them down before they could arm themselves.

The melee lasted for several rounds, with the kobold sorcerer being the most dangerous opponent with his magic missiles and burning hands spells. Tony and Gwibaen were both severely injured, but none of the players went down.

The group freed the captives and searched the bodies. It turned out that one of the goblins that Brad took out was not dead after all, but was faking it. He surrendered right away. There was a brief discussion about what should be done with him. Tony favored killing him, but Ernie objected. They decided to tie him up and take him with them. Tony held him at the back of the pack, with every intention of killing him when he got the chance. Tony took out a dagger and began to plant in on the goblin, but was surprised when the goblin vanished right in front of his eyes, leaving his ropes on the ground.


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